Conferinţa de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului. Rezumate ale lucrărilor (Research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development. Abstract Proceedings)" publishes abstracts of the papers presented in the esearch conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development, if they were approved by the Scientific Committee and are edited in full compliance with the Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

  • The only acceptable format is Word 2003 or previous (DOC). Documents submitted in other formats (DOCX, PDF) will not be taken into consideration.
  • Abstracts will have the following structure: title, authors and affiliations, followed by the text structured using the headings: 1. Context, 2. Materials and methods, 3. Results and discussions, 4. Conclusions. If this structure is not suitable, the second and third chapters can lack or be replaced.
  • Maximum allowed size is 3000 characters.
  • No graphs, tables, references or keywords are allowed.
  • Abstracts must be sent before the deadline specified in the invitation to conferences[at] (to send a message, please replace [at] by @). Abstracts sent to any other address will not be considered.